- 現代人は酸素不足
- 酸素が腸から吸収される
- アスリートに支持されている
- 酸素不足だと血流が悪くなり、生活習慣病の原因にもなります
- etc,
- 酸素プラス、
- 酸素ナノバブルウォーター ナーガの雫、
- オキシワッサー(OXYWASSER)、
- O2ウィスラーウォーター(酸素を15倍充填 スポーツ選手やモデルも愛飲!)、
- 飲む酸素水!OXYGIZER(オキシジャイザー)
- 酸素水SPO2
- アサヒ 酸素水 (ボトル缶290mlx24)★酸素5倍
- 酸素強化ウォーター アヴァニ
- 酸素水OXYGEN O2
- サンガリア さわやか酸素水
- 海水からできた水天草海洋酸素水
- 海洋酸素水アクアディオ
- 酸素イン ミネラルウォーター
- バランスデイトウォーター+O2
- 高濃度酸素水 有酸素生活
- etc,
『吐いた息』で・・・ 続いて、もう一問。
10%、30%、50%、70%、90%、どの位??? 平常の自然呼吸で一般人は約500ccの空気を吸い、その内105cc程度が酸素。この酸素の内体内でガス交換されるのがわずか10cc~11cc程度だそうです。高地トレーニングを繰り返すことで15cc程度の吸収量になり、マラソン等の体力の限界に挑むスポーツには有効。
文献1 [(PMID:16541380)、Int J Sports Med. 2006]
平均年齢24±2.5歳の健常男性20名に180 mg/Lの酸素を含む水を1日1.5L、2週間摂取させた二重盲検クロスオーバー試験において、自転車運動をした際の最大運動強度(Wmax)、心拍数、酸素摂取量(VO2)、二酸化炭素排出量(VCO2)、呼吸交換比(RER)、血中乳酸を測定。いずれの測定値にも酸素水摂取による有意な変化は見られなかった。著者らは精神状態が身体能力を支持するとコメントしている。
Center for Physiology and Pathophysiology, Medical University Vienna, Vienna, Austria. Valentin.Leibetseder@meduniwien.ac.at
It has been asserted that the consumption of oxygenated water can support physical working capacity. As this has not been accurately investigated yet we analyzed effects of a two-week period of daily O2-water ingestion on spiroergometric parameters and lactate metabolism in healthy adults. Twenty men (24 +/- 2.5 years of age) with comparable aerobic abilities performed four exhaustive bicycle spiroergometric tests. Applying a double-blind crossover study design 10 subjects drank 1.5 liters of highly oxygenated water every day during the two weeks between the initial two tests whereas the other group consumed 1.5 liters untreated water from the same spring. After a two-week wash-out period subjects underwent a second period consuming the opposite type of water. Spiroergometric parameters and lactate kinetics between both groups at submaximal and maximal levels were analyzed using a MANOVA. Results showed no significant influence on aerobic parameters or lactate metabolism, neither at submaximal nor at maximal levels (all p-values > or = 0.050). Merely increments of VEO2 at submaximal levels were demonstrable (p = 0.048). We conclude that the consumption of oxygenated water does not enhance aerobic performance or lactate kinetics in standardized laboratory testing.
PMID: 16541380 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
文献4 [(PMID:15896427) Clin Nutr. 2005]
18-63歳のボランティア24名に10-15℃に冷やした190.6±5.0 mg/Lの酸素を含む水を1日3回食事前に500 mL、28日間摂取させた二重盲検無作為化試験で、通常の血液検査、肝臓酵素(ALAT、ASAT、γ-GT)、免疫能を測定。その結果、血液検査項目には変化なし。酸素水摂取グループでは14日目、21日目で血中アスコルビン酸ラジカルが摂取前に比較して有意に上昇(ただし対象群との間に有意差なし)。また、酸素水摂取グループでTh2細胞、IgG、NK細胞が減少し、Th1/Th2比が上昇。著者らは、酸素水を長期的に摂取することは概ね安全で、肝機能には影響しないこと、Th1/Th2比の上昇はアレルギーに関与している可能性があるが、この実験からは結論づけられないとコメントしている。
Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital, Rheumatology/Immunology, Munich, FRG.
BACKGROUND & AIMS: Oxygenated water with an oxygen concentration of 30-120 mg/l water is believed to improve the immune status, without any toxicological effects. The purpose of this clinical study was to assess the effects of long-term drinking of oxygenated water on the immune status. METHODS: In this prospective, double-blinded, randomised study 24 volunteers of either sex (age 18-63 years) drank daily 3 times 500 ml either oxygenated (Verum-group: n=12) or normal mineral water (Placebo-group: n=12) for 28 days. On day 1 and day 28 standard laboratory tests, IgG, IgA and IgM, lymphocyte subpopulations and functional analysis of T-cells by flow cytometry, were done. Furthermore, the oxygen radicals were determined by the detection of the ascorbyl radicals. RESULTS: Drinking of normal or oxygenated water had no effect on whole blood count or the liver enzymes. Interestingly the volunteers in the Verum-group showed a significant increase in ascorbyl radicals after drinking oxygenated water for 14 and 21 days. CD4+ and CD4+CD45RA+ lymphocytes as well as lymphocyte activation marker (CD69) and soluble IL-2 receptor increased in both groups, in contrast T-helper2 cells and IgG decreased during the study. The only differences between the two groups were a significant decrease of NK-cells form 13.42%+ or -5.04 to 10.83%+ or -4.82 (P<.002) and an increase of the Th1/Th2-ratio from 2.77%+ or -1.07 to 6.68%+ or -5.33 (P<.03) in the Verum-group. CONCLUSION: Long-term consumption of oxygenated water has no apparent harmful effect on the liver, blood and the immune system. Moreover it leads to a transient moderate increase of oxygen radicals in the blood. An interesting observation is the increase of the Th1/Th2-ratio in the Verum group, whereas in both groups T-cell activation after mitogen stimulation, the soluble IL-2 receptor, the CD4+ and the naive CD4+CD45RA+ cells increased.
Publication Types:
Clinical Trial
Randomized Controlled Trial
PMID: 15896427 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
私はずっと疑問に思っていました。「排いた息」は炭酸ガスなのに口から息を送り込んでどうして蘇生の助けになるんだろ? と。
* 《全国の水道・湧水のORP値》もご参照ください.
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